söndag 22 mars 2009

Eden Lake

British survival horror. A couple on a weekend vacation get terrorized by a gang of teens. Soon all hell breaks loose. If you like “The strangers” or the French movie “Them”(Ils) then you’ll like “Eden Lake.” It feels pretty realistic, this could actually happen, god forbid! Solid effort with a downbeat ending. Grade: 3 out of 5

Joy Ride 2 - Dead Ahead

I liked the first “Joy Ride” but this sequel is not as good. A car with some teens break down in the middle of nowhere. The teens find their way into a house where they steal a car. Big mistake, as the car belongs to psycho Rusty Nail. Soon he’s on their tail. I wasn’t bored when I watched this movie, but compared to the first one this is not even close. Grade: 2 out of 5

torsdag 19 februari 2009

28 Weeks Later

Just when you thought it was safe to move back to London again there's another outbreak of the rage virus - turning people into zombie-like madmen. I wasn't impressed with the first movie "28 Days Later," but this sequel is much better. The only thing that annoys me is the VERY shaky camera. The movie is brutal and sometimes terrifying, and there's a great atmosphere in a desolate London. If you're a fan of zombie-action you don't want to miss this. Trust me. Grade: 4 out of 5

Death Tunnel

Five college girls are locked inside an old hospital where they have to spend the night with ghosts roaming the abandoned corridors. As this is a lowbudget feature I can live with the so-and-so acting, the almost non-existent story, and the confusing MTV-style editing. But I can't live with the fact that the movie is totally NON scary. On a positive note the movie looks visually great, and the girls are hot. But that's about it. Grade: 1 out of 5

The Mist

Want a talkie monster movie? You've got it. Frank Darabont directs another Stephen King story (He previously did "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile.") People trapped in a supermarket are attacked by strange creatures coming from the mist outside. This is a pretty small, intimate movie. I could compare it to Shyamalan's "Signs." The acting is good, but unfortunately the CGI-creatures pulled me out of the movie magic. I will remember the downbeat ending for a long time. Grade: 3 out of 5

måndag 16 februari 2009

See No Evil

Adult movie director Gregory Dark tries his hand on a real movie, and the result is this rather weak slasher. Teen criminals are sent to a hotel where a psychopath lurks - and soon he goes on a killing spree. Although the killings are brutal, there's too little suspense in this movie. One scene with a girl hanging out of a window stands out, and the last 15 minutes are pretty decent. Grade: 2 out of 5


American backpackers in Brazil encounter bad guys who want their internal organs for the black market. Gritty and gory in the style of "Hostel." Although terrible things happen, there's no nerve, no real suspense. And the finale under water doesn't work for me. Grade: 2 out of 5